Saturday 10 December 2011

I Found a Natural Hemorrhoids Cure

Hemorrhoids, sometimes referred to as piles, are annoying, inconvenient, and embarrassing. Well, that is the way it was. Now, I am happy and relieved to say I have found a natural hemorrhoids cure.

The conventional doctors tried to talk me into having surgery done as a way to get rid of hemorrhoids because I have had trouble with them for many years. I have friends that took that route. There was no way I wanted to suffer that kind of misery.

I Can't Sit Down! 

My dear friend, Donald, had the discomfort of piles for so long that he opted for the surgery. I was there for his recovery in the post-op time and I decided that there had to be a better way.
He couldn't sit, urinate easily and was just plain miserable. His pain was what opened my eyes to searching out a natural hemorrhoids cure. Bless his heart; he believed what the doctors told him but a year later they were back and they were gradually growing worse.

You Can Do It

There are ways to get rid of hemorrhoids that are easy and life enhancing. Yes, it did take me a while to adjust my life to the new ideas, but I am so happy I was patient with myself and continued in the healing process.
I needed to change my eating habits, my thinking, and my exercise regime. I did it little by little. You can have total relief by using a natural hemorrhoids cure.

Don't Be Embarrassed

Some people get a bit squeamish and embarrassed when it comes to talking about body elimination process. They don't even want to discuss it with their doctor. This is not necessary because, let's face it, everyone has to poop.

If you didn't, you would die! So, it is a natural part of our humanness. We can relax and discuss this. Piles are caused by straining while eliminating the bowels as well as by weight and pressure on the bowels as in pregnancy.

One of the best ways to practice a natural hemorrhoids cure is to respond to the body's desire to cleanse itself when nature calls. In other words, when you have to go, GO.

Eating good fiber can aid in the process of the cleansing of the body too. Fiber absorbs water and moves waste and toxins through the intestinal tract. Drink plenty of water hourly as you increase your fiber or you will cause constipation which is not a good thing.

Symptom Relief

Over the counter creams and ointments will temporarily ease the discomfort of piles but they will not get rid of hemorrhoids. They are like putting a band-aid on the problem. Don't get me wrong, there are good products available made with herbs that can and do provide immediate relief. But, eating fruits and veggies, exercising and using naturopathic remedies are your best path to total healing. I have found herbs and homeopathic remedies made with natural ingredients to be the most helpful for long-term success in a natural hemorrhoids cure.

Get rid of hemorrhoids naturally. Find out more about a natural hemorrhoids cure. Learn how hundreds of people have cured themselves without over the counter medications. Visit:

Piles Can Now Be Cured By Ayurvedic Treatment

Hemorrhoids or piles, in layman terms, are small, bluish swellings that comprise of the large blood vessels located in the anus. Piles is a dangerous and dreadful condition which requires timely and proper care. Piles also have specific types. The two types of piles are- bleeding piles and dry piles. One who is suffering from piles need not worry because Ayurveda treatment has the cure for it. The best part is that these remedies do not have any side effects. In dry piles the inflammation is experienced outside piles. It is a horrible condition and the person suffering from piles experiences continuous pain. Bleeding piles is the worst because in this condition, internal piles instigate bleeding. If the bleeding is excessive and continuous it can turn into anemic condition.

What are the causes of piles?
There are several causes of piles. This condition could occur because of constipation and a person's sedentary lifestyle. It could also be a result of lack of exercises or bad dietary habits. One more cause is sitting on a hard seat for long duration.

What can be done at home?
There are some Ayurveda treatments that can be tried at home. One such Ayurveda treatment is using Cypress or Juniper while taking a bath and adding some drops of it in the water. Some herbs are really good like Morse chestmt, Marigold and Pilecort which are easily found in creams. You can use one tablespoon of Triphala which is again an effective herb, in your bed time. Triphalachurna and Abhayarista are also useful herbs and help in the treatment of piles.

What are the precautions?
Patients who are undergoing the treatment for piles should follow some precautions to avoid any mishaps and inconvenience. Patients suffering from piles should avoid going for horse riding and sitting on a hard seat. They should also avoid having too much sex during the treatment. The treatments for bleeding piles are different from that of dry piles. So know your type of piles and take a treatment accordingly.

These were all the useful and necessary measures one could take for piles. If followed properly it can be very effective for this condition. Ayurveda treatment is a must and should be considered for such diseases. There are emergency cases too and in such a situation one must immediately rush to Ayurveda treatment center. There the doctors take proper care of you.

SDF Holistic is one of the leading centres engaged in ayurvedic treatment s. Through intensive research, they have churned out some useful ayurveda treatment using herbs.

How to Choose The Best Hemorrhoid Cream

Many people don't know what hemorrhoids are until they start experiencing some of the symptoms like bleeding during bowel movements, constant itchiness around the anus, and pain. It is only when they experience these symptoms that they start to look for information on hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid treatments. 

Usually their investigation (either by way of the Internet or speaking with their doctor) will lead them to hemorrhoid creams or ointments as a possible solution. But, how does one go about choosing the best cream? This article will provide the information needed to determine what the best cream or ointment would be for someone.

To start off, let's learn a little bit about hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoid is a blood vessel inside the rectum or around the opening of the anus which has enlarged and become swollen. If the blood vessel enlarges inside the anal canal or rectum it is called an internal hemorrhoid. If this occurs around the opening of the anus, it is called an external hemorrhoid. Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include pain or bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness or a burning sensation around the anus. They can be caused from constipation or unhealthy bowel movements, age, obesity, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting. In short, anything that puts pressure on the veins down there can trigger a hemorrhoid. These factors make hemorrhoids a very common health condition, which is why almost half of all adults experience them at some point in their lives. The good news, however, is that they are generally not serious and can be treated with a variety of methods, including creams and ointments.

When looking at treating hemorrhoids, many people choose to use a cream or an ointment to tackle the problem. Although not always the best treatment method, creams and ointments can be effective in providing fast relief. The secret to finding the best cream or ointment is knowing what the person's skin type is, what symptoms one needs to treat, and lastly, the kind of hemorrhoid one has.

To find the best cream or ointment one must know his or her skin type, i.e. dry or oily skin. For example, people who have oily skin would be better off using a cream as opposed to an ointment because the active ingredients in the cream will penetrate the skin faster than an ointment. The reason being is that creams are water based products whereas ointments are oil based. Therefore, if someone has oily skin to begin with and they apply an ointment, it is going to take longer for the active ingredients to take effect. On the other hand, people who have dry skin should use an ointment. The oil in the ointment will trap moisture in the skin and will also act as a lubricant which will make the passage of stools easier. Thus, the general rule of thumb is oily skin people should use creams and dry skin people should use ointments.

Once a person knows whether a cream or an ointment would be better the next step is selecting a product. To do so, it is important to find something that works to relieve the specific symptoms. Certain creams or ointments are better at treating certain problems than others. So, if the main problem is hemorrhoid pain, then it would be better to find a cream or ointment that is for pain relief. If pain is not the issue, but itchiness is, then an anti-itch product would be better. The point is to read the label and find a product that solves the main issue.
Lastly, it is also necessary to know what kind of hemorrhoid needs to be treated. Creams and ointments can both be used to treat external hemorrhoids, but that is not always the case for internal hemorrhoids. Certain creams and ointments are for external use only and may not be used to treat internal hemorrhoids. Therefore, for internal hemorrhoids, it is important to read the label and choose something that can be used internally or use suppositories instead.

Want to know what others say is the best hemorrhoid cream, gel, and ointment? Then, go to to find information on hemorrhoid cream and other treatment methods.


Friday 9 December 2011

How to Cure Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy Without Putting Your Baby at Risk

Pregnancy brings its own delights and a few dilemmas. Today we are going to EXPOSE one of those SECRET dilemmas: Hemorrhoids.

Reading this article you will learn how to use simple remedies to treat those irritating hemorrhoid symptoms such as hemorrhoid pain, itching, swelling, bleeding and inflammation. You will also learn how to prevent hemorrhoid flare ups.

There are many hemorrhoid treatments available on the market today and it can be quite confusing and difficult to know what treatment is best for you and what is safe for your baby.

Over the counter remedies include creams, suppositories, tablets etc. but sometimes just the thought of stepping into a drug store and asking for a treatment for your hemorrhoids can cause extreme embarrassment and lead to you not getting help for your condition.

I appreciate what a difficult and private problem dealing with pregnancy and hemorrhoids both at the same time, can be. (I've been there)

Understanding what causes hemorrhoids during pregnancy will allow you to take control and relieve the misery these nasty little fellows are having on your life right now. Although millions of people of all ages suffer from hemorrhoids, this may be your first experience and can prove to be a very distressing time for you.


Hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy are usually only temporary and often resolve themselves after your baby is born.

Why hemorrhoids appear during pregnancy.
There are a number of reasons why this happens, hemorrhoids are veins or blood vessels inside the rectal area. The pressure of your baby pressing down on the pelvic area can cause the vessel walls to become swollen. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also cause the veins to swell, this swelling of the veins can cause discomfort, itching and a dull pain inside your bottom. These are known as internal hemorrhoids.

Constipation is another contributing factor as your bodies system slows down there's a tendency for the stool to build up and become hard and dry.

Straining on the toilet can cause the hemorrhoids to bleed or be pushed to the outside of the rectum, these are then known as external hemorrhoids and are prone to inflamation and infection due to contact with faeces, and can be extremely painful.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms.
Symptoms occur when the hemorrhoids become inflamed, enlarged or prolapsed and can be mild, moderate or severe. The symptoms can vary from person to person.

Treatment of Hemorrhoid Symptoms.
Using simple natural home remedies is the best way to bring relief and is safe for you and your baby.
Dealing with constipation is priority and is easily taken care of by adding extra fibre to your diet such as fruit, vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals. As you increase the fibre in your diet be sure to also increase your fluid intake at the same time, 10-12 glasses of liquid daily especially water. Not drinking sufficient fluid with a high fibre diet can make the situation worse.

Exercise: walking or swimming is important as well as beneficial in helping to keep your digestive system moving and fight constipation.

Kegel Exercises: these are also known as pelvic floor excercises and help strengthen the muscles in that area and are a powerful way to help you lower the risk of hemorrhoids during pregnancy by increasing blood circulation to the rectal area.

To keep the rectal area clean after a bowel movement use moist wipes and warm water, do not use dry toilet tissue as this can cause irritation.

WITCH HAZEL. You can use wipes soaked in Witch Hazel, (known as (Tucks) to clean or place directly over the anal area to calm any inflammation and reduce swelling.

SITZ BATH. Sitting your bottom in a bath with a few inches of warm water brings relief and soothes any irritation, adding Epsom salts or regular salt to the water has a further healing effect. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes three to four times daily.

ALOE VERA. This is a natural remedy which is very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms bringing fast relief. It helps to reduce swelling, relieves itching, burning sensation and pain. You can find 100% organic whole leaf Aloe Vera in most health stores.


Prevent constipation and you will prevent hemorrhoid flare ups. Increase fibre, fluid and exercise and it's possible you will remain hemorrhoid free.

Stay Healthy and Good Luck with your new Baby
Maggie Bartle Retired Nurse

Privacy is a major concern for people suffering from Hemorrhoids. Some people will feel so overwhelmed with embarrassment they can't even speak about their problem to anyone. Finding ON-LINE remedies that are safe, genuine and have proven to be effective for hemorrhoids are a real life saver for these people.
If you are looking for a Natural Holistic Formula that's easy and simple to use at home or on the go, that you can just slot into your pocket and use anytime, anywhere discreetly, no embarrassment. No one need ever know you have hemorrhoids.
